Thursday, December 4, 2008

How To Shoot a Stuffed Pepper and Other Things I learned About Food

My G, Lisa (aka Babs, aka Super G, aka Super Fuzz, aka ...), is creating a cookbook of cherished family recipes. She asked if I would photograph some of her dishes.

I don't know nuttin" about food styling or ANYTHING about taking pix of food - but I thought I would give it a shot anyway.

Believe it or not, it may actually be easier to take pix of six year olds than it is to take pix of shrimp dip. Shrimp dip has no catchlights! I know how to dress a kid for a portrait - how the heck do you dress a stuffed pepper?!

All in all, it was not a failure - I certainly learned the boundary of my knowledge and skill set. Click on the image below to see the gallery.


Anonymous said...

Food, glorious food! Great shots. Perogies! LOVE THEM!

schue said...

omg, the pics look great! even the heart attack pork balls! mmmmmmm!

Lisa said...

OMG, I just saw these posted. I'm working on the cookbook now and took a break to do a little catch up on some blogs.

Gee, I love the pics ... thank you thank you thank you!!!!! ....babspeapod

Lisa said...

Gee .... the cookbook arrived today and it's gorgeous!!! I can't post on my blog about it, because my sister will see (assuming anybody still checks my blog that I haven't updated in weeks). Anyway, I can't wait to show you! You'll be receiving a copy. ....babs