Saturday, February 6, 2010

SMG!* What Do I Do With All This French Toast?

*Snow My God!

(Thanks to R.K. for that one)

O.k., I'm not from around these parts - I come from Michigan where snow is ... just snow. So I don't, and never will, understand the whole "Its snowing! Let's panic like the world is coming to an end" thing.
The other thing I don't understand is what snow has to do with French Toast. The moment there is a hint that snow is on the way, the stores are packed with people buying up all the milk eggs, and bread they can lay their hands on. I can only assume that snow either induces exteme pan perdu cravings or that the toast is some sort of offering to the weather gods.
So, do I eat it? Leave it out for the snow gods? What?

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