Sunday, August 10, 2008

Oh Hail!

Today was not a sunny day in Glen Mills - in fact, it was pretty lousy. It started with thunder and lightening around 10 AM and then was followed by more than one bout of hail. This was the first time the kids have seen hail - so of course, I send their father out into the thunder and lightening to catch "raining ice cubes" in a Tupperware dish. The "ice cubes" are now in the freezer, and I am happy to say DH was not injured in any way.

The bad weather gave me a few moments to play with some more of the cloud images from yesterday. I wanted to share the first one of the Glen Mills School - I think it looks super cool. The others are just me foolin' 'round - pushin' pixels
(Click images to see larger)
(sometimes, it pays to be bad)


AOP said...

I like these!

Anonymous said...

nice pics Kel!

Lisa said...

You should start selling your stuff at local fairs and artist shows. ... babs