Sunday, February 24, 2008

"I read an article about a book"

So started the conversation I had a few nights ago with a girlfriend.
Before I had finished, she said "Isn't it sad that's as far as we get? An article about a book - not the book".
Then as I stumbled through the world of I came across an MSN Tech article "The Top 10 Web Sites You've Never Heard Of".
Well if I never heard of them, why would I want to?
The second site of the list is Dailylit. Guess what their little hook is?
"We created DailyLit because we spent hours each day on email but could not find the time to read a book. Now the books come to us by email. Problem solved."
Problem solved indeed!

So I signed up for a free installment of The Three-Martini Playdate by Christie Mellor.

I'll let you know how the service works; and I may host a playdate in the near future - I'll be sure to set up a couple of Gr8 Tat2 stations for all the kids!

O.k. everybody, get out there and read something ... and then tell me how it is.

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