Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Clarifications, Caveats, and General Words of Caution

I mentioned in my last post that I intend to post photographic evidence of my misspent youth and that of my G's.

A few points to set your minds at ease

  • A grand total of 2.5 people visit this blog monthly - so your exposure is low.

  • I will present no images of events in which statutes of limitation are still a concern.

  • I will not intentionally display any nudity - which leaves out most images of Lisa from '93-'95 "The Naked Years"

  • You will see no images of narcotics, or other drug, use ... because there was none, of course

  • I will show no coworkers faces - so the images cannot be used in personnel reviews
  • If you do have hopes of running for office in the future, please send me a note and I will consider this as I draft my blog posts

A gentle word to my mother (not "werd to ur mutha"), my G's mothers, any husbands, or significant others: If you don't want to know, don't look.

Babs kept all the journals over the years, and it is my sincerest hope that she will share some with us. (Lisa, get the Niagara Falls story ready - its up next)

Without further ado, our 1996 trip to Amsterdam!


What exactly were you expecting?

Did ya even read what I wrote above?

And you still expected pictures?

Honey! Amsterdam taught us all "I've seen enough to know I've seen to much!".


Lisa said...

I think that was a picture of Herbie, running out of the red light district! ..... Barbra Peapod

SGM said...


And we were even gonna pay for it.
It wasn't going to cost him anything ... except, of course, his virginity.