Tuesday, April 29, 2008


I was in a long foolish meeting today.

Then I come home to a "note from school" ('nuf said).

I had to go shoot something - before I went and shot someone.

So today, it was dandelions.

I like dandelions.

I hope you enjoy.

(I still want to shoot someone....)

I see now that the video is so small you can barely see the images, and forget about the text. Its prolly good you can't read the text, in as much as I pulled up a bunch of poems on dandelions and then forgot to site the sources.

Anyhoo, here is the text:

As I gently blew on a dandelion's seed,
I wished it your way and asked it to please
plant my heart in yours and let it grow free.

I wish I could grow like a dandelion,
from gold to thin white hair,
and be carried on a breeze
to the next yard.

There are 188 florets in a bloom,
which might seem a peculiar number,
but there are 188,000 square feet
in the perfectly proportioned Wal-Mart,
which allows for circulation
without getting lost.

Why should I mow these lovelies low,
Defying Sunshine's ray?
To bring them down the sun might frown,
And turn blue sky to gray.

I'll let their seeds fallow new weeds
And mow another day.
Resplay they should, the neighborhood.The Dandelions stay.

And the images large enough to actually see:

Gotta wonder why I even spent any time on the video ...

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