Tuesday, April 8, 2008

What Celebrities Would Look Like If They Lived In Delaware County

Thanks for sharing John!


Lisa said...

Oh. My. GAWD!!!!!! THOSE are friggin hilarious!!!!!


abahaaaaaaa .... LL

Dr Zibbs said...

These are great.

Anonymous said...

Need more!!

Anonymous said...

This is so hilarious and amazing. I totally want to sleep with you.

Anonymous said...

Ha! Very good!!!

Anonymous said...

Who is the blonde lady next to Sarah Jessica Parker?

Anonymous said...

Sharon Stone look-a-like prettier than

Anonymous said...

How did Havertown make this list? It's all Lower Delco and then BOOM, normal town.

Anonymous said...

I know right Omg cause we are like almost main line lol

Anonymous said...

These aren't look a likes. They are photoshopped

Anonymous said...

No, they are real. I live in Delco, and know half these people. Yikes!

Anonymous said...

This is the dumbest interaction I've ever read. You both suck.

anonymous said...

So wrong its right...bahhahahah

anonymous said...


Shootingglenmills said...

LOL!!! How did this all of a sudden become a thing? I think I posted this in 2008

Anonymous said...

Sometimes it takes a while for genius to be recognized.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, like they would be allowed to move into Norwood.

Anonymous said...

Gold, Jerry, Gold!

Unknown said...

Didn't Aniston live in Eddystone?

Anonymous said...

Dancing at Lou Turks doesn't count...

Krazy Joe said...

Why are they all so fat?

It doesn't make a lot of sense.

Anonymous said...

you suck

Anonymous said...

So, who is the woman on the right with Sarah Jessica Parker?

Bah ha ha ha ha ha!

Anonymous said...

THIS IS WHY I LEFT PA. the MINUTE I turned 18. Hilarious.

Anonymous said...

For the win. You get one internet

Anonymous said...

seriously??? Havertown is normal?!?! The fact that ANYONE would even say that is disturbing. I know of AT LEAST 2 families from Havertown where the parents take their kids to cop dope just so they won't get sick. Smh, that's not normal, it's disgusting!

Unknown said...

Welcome to Delaware County! The land of the Celebrities