Tuesday, May 13, 2008

10 Things You Wouldn't Put In Your Grocery Cart

O.k, let me see if I can come up with 10 - there's not much I wouldn't buy

1. anything that tastes, smells, or looks like coffee

2. pregnancy test - I'd have some splaining to do!

3. scrapple - the name says it all. Look, I may live here, that don't mean I've got to eat the native foods.

4. headcheese - come on! head! cheese! 

5. chitterlings (pronounced chitlins), tripe, or any of the lower intestinal junk - of all the things to eat, you wanna eat something that's already had poo in it?

6. anything that comes in suppository form - that's not how I roll

7. radishes - evil little roots

8.  I'd be embarrassed to be seen with certain itch creams - calomine (sp?) wouldn't be a problem - I guess any creams for the nether regions.



So, what's on your list?

Mom, remember how every time the neighbor guy from across the street came over, you had just gotten home from the store and there were pads out on the kitchen counter? 

I guess that might be another list - Shit you own that you wouldn't want out on the counter when (your mom, your neighbor, your kids, ...) come in the house.


Lisa said...

Organ meats -- I KNOW I don't need to splain that to ya.

A douche --- yuck, I need to wash my hands after typing the word.

Hemmorhoid creme - no explanation needed, I assume

Depends or Serenity pads (or whatever they call the adult diapers these days) ... I guess it's better than peeing your pants, but still

I'm noticing a theme of items revolving around the nether regions.

...Barbra Peapod

SGM said...

o.k. that is my #9

So, Lisa my dear, lets talk about your feelings for your nether regions.

If you don't love 'em, who will?

I think we need to embrace all our parts.

who said...

OMG "Embrace" means what exactly??
Seafood...ugh on the texture!
Pickled anything..like snouts and stuff....yuck!

schue said...

*I wouldn't put half the meat dept in my grocery cart, or tongue, is that meat?
*Swanson hungry man hearty breakfast - enough fat for a month.
*saus - german stuff, you don't wanna know, i can't even spell it, actually i dont even know if they sell it.
*cheap trash bags,bought em once or los did, he had a lot of mopping to do-he learned.

The stuff for the nether regions, ehh, doesnt bother me.