Saturday, June 21, 2008

Sweetie - Guess What You Are Not Getting This Year For Your Birthday

Today I was blog surfing and stumbled upon the story of a woman, who upon realizing she had no gift for her husband's 40th birthday, promised to have sex with him every night for a year ... and then she wrote a book about it.

Sweetie, may I suggest you pen a list of (other) possible gift items you would like this year for your birthday?

Not for nuttin', but every night for a year seems .... excessive; wouldn't you agree?

I'd hate to promise something like that and either one of us not be able to deliver - I'm just sayin' ....
Plus, its not your 40th birthday.
And what if we did do it, then I'd have to write a book? When do I have time to write a book?

If it would make you feel any better, I'll buy you the book.


Anonymous said...

So Sorry Philbert !

Anonymous said...

Victoria's Secret catalog and a box of tissues will do just fine.