Monday, June 30, 2008

The Kids Want A Cat - Actually, They Want Cats

Most people know I am a friend to the cat. 

Phil is o.k. about cats.
I loved my last cat Anteus (or Nana as he was called); Phil was o.k.'ish about Nana.
Probably because that cat did the following to Phil just about every morning.

Phil, will the kids ever get a cat(s)?


Lisa said...

I vote no ... I hate cats. Take them to the zoo, or somebody else's house. Or let them "cat-sit." ugh, they smell like pee and shed everywhere. i rank them up there with pet mice or ants.


SGM said...

Oh Lisa!

But they're warm and they purr ...

Not doing it for ya?


AOP said...

I'm working on it. Need to arrange the laundry room so that it doesn't reek of catsh!t all the time.

SGM said...

Couldn't ya think of another username?
I think you are sending the wrong message with that one!
Why? Just tell me why.